Sunday, May 01, 2005

sweet mother of political economy

these are the lyrics to a new song my band is doing for our new album which we're commencing recording for in a week or so. finally i think my lyrical writer's block is fleeing.. perhaps cause school/politics-mode is leeching away, out of my brain.
title: sweet mother of political economy

she bends beneath dim bulbs
five thousand seams she sewed
while outside sun's not reached midday
time triples still she toils
dark city, lungs are soiled
employees which i happily pay

build my god
bill my karma
i bid you goodnight

we hid beneath the leaves
adam and a thief
the lord walks and calls to ask the blame
i bit the fruit and lied
bargain bags by my side
trading trees for toilet paper fame

build my god
bill my karma
i bid you goodnight



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