Glendon's Clean Slate - Vote March 29-31!
Glendon's Clean Slate - Vote March 29-31!
Vos candidats...

Jonathan Yoani Kuiper

Peter McKenna

Ali Khan
Directeur des affaires académiques

Célia Jutras
Directrice des affaires bilingues

Adam King
Directeur des communications

Roberto Alvarez
Directeur des affaires culturelles

Natalie Riggs
Directrice des affaires extérieures

"Glendon à découvert"
et ses ambitions politiques!

Adam King
Rôle Directeur des communications
Programme Sciences politiques
Recevra son diplôme en 2006-2007

I believe that at Glendon we have one of the best university communities in the country, but I also know that a lot of students don't even know about most of the great events and opportunities that are available for them! J'aimerais faciliter la communication entre l'AÉCG et ses étudiants pour que chacun sache ce qui se passe sur le campus, que ce soit grâce à des affiches placardées dans les couloirs de Glendon ou le site internet du Conseil à l'aide d'un ordinateur à la maison. GCSU Council should be the place that clubs, students, even the administration, can feel comfortable in coming to with concerns, questions, news, and ideas, and students should feel informed about important issues! Je crois que j'ai l'expérience et la ferveur nécessaire pour raviver la vie étudiant d'un campus qui est plutôt amorphe depuis beaucoup trop longtemps.

Steps to Better GCSU Communication
  • En concevant un site Internet de l'AÉCG bilingue et beaucoup plus détaillé
  • Start a proper, uncensored online forum for students
  • En créant un calendrier public d'événements du Campus Glendon (en tenant compte des événements du campus Keele aussi!)
  • Coordinate with clubs to help publicize events
  • En communiquant avec Pro Tem et CKRG à l'aide de communiqués et de mises à jour régulières
  • Keep Council accountable by keeping students informed
Expériences personnelles
  • Professional graphic/web designer since 2001
  • Ministre des communications, Glendon Political Science Association Sciences Politiques (G-PSASP)
  • Former Student For Good Governance (SFGG) member, Co-founder, and Website Coordinator
  • Membre du Conseil de la faculté
You Can Hold Me To My Constitutional Duties
  • 16. The Director of Communications
    1. The Director of Communications shall be responsible for the publicizing, through all available means of communication, of all events, functions, elections, services, programs and announcements sponsored by the Council;
    2. shall assist upon request any recognized student club/organization in its efforts to communicate with the student body;
    3. shall monitor the programs and services offered by the College, or by the University, and shall endeavor to inform the students of such programs and services as available to them;
    4. shall maintain and implement a Poster Policy;
    5. shall be responsible for making public the agenda, the time, and the place of all Council meetings at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting;
    6. shall act as a liaison between the Council and the campus media;
    7. shall be responsible for making public the agenda, the time, and the place of all Council meetings at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting;
    8. shall deal with all issues having a bilingual aspect which fall under his/her portfolio along with the Director of Bilingual Affairs.

Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de vous informer et d'être un électeur averti. Thank you for becoming an informed voter.