Tuesday, August 30, 2005

sunken arguments in bourbon and red bull

while i was away that spring
roping in cod, and salting the things
her heart gave away again
from a lonely day's nitroglycerine

she meant a lot to me
she always meant a lot to me
it meant a lot to me
it always meant a lot to me

sailors of yore died to say
don't leave'r alone, dont let slack on the sails
but i weathered the winter and then
set sights to the wind, took her by the hands, and said

you mean a lot to me
you always meant a lot to me
but this means a lot to me
the work means a lot to me
this means a lot to me
it's always meant a lot to me

she was weak in her heart
searching for my soul, while i searched for my part
comb in my hair bent down
i looked in the mirror, ignored the sounds

i meant to say
what she meant to want
while she meant to love
what i always messed up

she lifted her countenance to me
stretched out her hand, and covered her dreams
with anger in a lovestruck tune
she put on her coat, and walked from the room

sunken eyes
regrets arise
storms in her eyes

she meant a lot to me (sunken eyes)
she always meant a lot to me
it meant a lot to me (regrets arise)
it always meant a lot to me
she meant a lot to me (memorise)
she always meant a lot to me
it meant a lot to me (storms in her eyes)
i wish it meant a lot to me

she'll never die shallow
she'll never die cold
they said its as warm as bourbon on the wharf
she'll never get callow
she'll never get old
she'll be floating above like hurricaned flowers

i'll never grow tired
i'll never grow drunk
sober and dull as as fish on the wharf
i'll never get wired
i'll never get sunk
i'll be floating below like the weatherman's buoys

you'll mean a lot to me
you always meant a lot to me
you'll mean a lot to me
you've always meant a lot to me



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